Electrical Designs

Master Circuit Layout

Utilized to construct the circuit in hardware. On the right is a temporary construction of the design for software design testing purposes.

Printed Circuit Board Design

Designed in Autodesk Eagle, and ordered through Oshpark's Prototype service, this design exactly follows the schematic above, with the exception of pin headers for remote components (food sensor LEDs and CdS cells, and water sensor contacts), and terminal blocks for the motors. All traces are 6 mil width with the exception of the power supply signal as well as all signals around the motor circuitry, which are sized for 2A (as a precaution; motors are not supposed to both be active at once), but only ~1A should be present during motor operation. All empty space on both surface layers contains a ground-plane except the region beneath the Photon's WiFi antenna; this region has been left vacant of all signals inclusive of ground as suggested by the manufacturer.

Top of board, displaying silkscreen guides for soldering.

Bottom of board

Assembled board

PCB Header Pinouts

PCB Header pinout documentation

Electrical Hardware Designs

Below are brief descriptions of the electrical hardware designs along with their full text design report and subsequent test report.

Astable Timer

This timer design feeds a 12-bit counter, performing a continuous time delay of 12 hours.

This was tested using an external MCU, the Atmega2560, which confirmed the proper 12-hour cycle was functional, with a slight inaccuracy to the timing which can be corrected using the potentiometer.

Water Level Sensing

Based on a BJT current switch, this 'sensor' uses water as a current carrier to actuate the BJT. In the presence of water, PR1 will present an active low signal.

Food Level Sensing

A CdS cell is used as a switch by positioning it across from an LED in the food storage container. In the presence of food, PR1 will present an active high signal.

Motor Control Circuit

A MOSFET is fed a PWM signal from the MCU to drive the motor.

Shift Register Output Delay

An RC circuit is used in conjunction with a software solution to eliminate erroneous behavior when initially powered on.

Resistor Selection for Pushbuttons and LEDs